my path to "Rawkin the Raw"

Raw food, raw emotion, raw truth!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

RAWKIN RAW buckwheat cereal

2 c buckwheat groats, soaked for at least on hour
3/4 c maple syrup
(honey, agave or stevia can be used as well)
1 1/2 t vanilla
1 t cinnamon OR 2 T cocoa powder
2 t sea salt
After you soak the groats, rinse and drain well. Combine all ingredients and blend until well combined but not pureed. It should resemble cooked oatmeal. Spread onto 2 Teflex dehydrator sheets, about 1/8 inch thick. Dehydrate for 8-12 hours at 115 degrees.
Serve with nut milk and berries.
MY MOTES: These are pretty yummy! I have made another version but I sprouted the groats and then dehydrated them. This is far easier and more convenient and in my opinion, tastier.


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